5 oct 2011

Mensache de Solidaridat con o Movimiento d'Acampada y Ocupancia de Wall Street..

 NOAM CHOMSKY ,   02/10/2011

"Qualsiquiera que tienga os uellos ubiertos sape que o gangsterismo de Wall Street,  d’as institucions financieras en cheneral- ha inflixito graus mals  a ro pueblo d’os Estatos Chunitos (y a lo mundo). Y calerba saper tamién que tall cosa ye ida  escaicendo pogresivament n’as zagueras trenta anyadas, a  mida  que  iba  aumentando de traza radical o suyo  poder n’o sin d’a economía,  y  per tant,  o  suyo poder político.
S’ha enchegato  asinas  un  circlo  amalvezau  que ha acabalato una  inmensa riqueza , ames d'o  poder  político,  en un  achiquiu sector d’a población,  una truesa  d’un 1% mientres a  resta va esdevenindo cada vegada mes n’o  que en ocasions se diz   “precariat” (en l’orichinal)  ”ganyosidalla”, que se mira de sobrevivir en  una ganyosa existencia.

Antiparti, tant xorrontaderas actividatz se levan a  cabo con una  impunidat quasi plena: no sólo meyant o “too big to  fail” (masiato grans ta dixar-los cayer)   sino tamién con  o  “too big to jail” (masiato grans ta engarcholarl-os).

As valients y honradas protestas que continan en Wall Street calerban de fer honra ta meter ficacio sobre  ista calamidat  y enfilar enta una  entregada esmanixada  per superar-la y meter ta  la sociedat per un camín mes  saludable".
Noam Chomsky
Anyone with eyes open knows that the gangsterism of Wall Street — financial institutions generally — has caused severe damage to the people of the United States (and the world). And should also know that it has been doing so increasingly for over 30 years, as their power in the economy has radically increased, and with it their political power. That has set in motion a vicious cycle that has concentrated immense wealth, and with it political power, in a tiny sector of the population, a fraction of 1%, while the rest increasingly become what is sometimes called “a precariat” — seeking to survive in a precarious existence. They also carry out these ugly activities with almost complete impunity — not only too big to fail, but also “too big to jail.”
The courageous and honorable protests underway in Wall Street should serve to bring this calamity to public attention, and to lead to dedicated efforts to overcome it and set the society on a more healthy course.

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